William Kristol is editor-at-large of The Bulwark. He was a founder of The Weekly Standard, and is a regular guest on leading political commentary shows. Prior to his work at The Weekly Standard, Kristol led the Project for the Republican Future, an organization that helped shape the strategy that produced the 1994 Republican congressional victory. From 1985 to 1993, Kristol served as chief of staff to Education Secretary William Bennett in the Reagan Administration and as chief of staff to Vice President Dan Quayle in the George H. W. Bush administration. Before coming to Washington, Kristol taught politics at the University of Pennsylvania and Harvard University.
The Ukraine War Has Transformed Europe—for Good
The notion of a Zeitenwende—a major turning point—is not just German anymore. Putin’s war has become a Zeitenwende for all Europe.
Keeping Our Nerve on Ukraine
Supporting Ukraine to reclaim its territory from Russian invaders involves costs. But the costs for our common security will be far higher if we lose our nerve now, argue Jeffrey Gedmin and William Kristol in Germany’s Tagesspiegel.
Towards a True 'Zeitenwende'
Germany, the United States, and how today’s challenges are creating new opportunities for liberal democracy.