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Thomas Koenig

Thomas Koenig

Thomas Koenig, a contributing editor of American Purpose, is a graduate of Princeton University and a student at Harvard Law School. In addition to American Purpose, his writings have appeared in National Review, CNN, The Dispatch, Real Clear Politics, and The Bulwark. He’s also the author of the “Tom’s Takes” newsletter on Substack. Twitter: @thomaskoenig98

Articles and Events

A Different Congressional Diagnosis

A Different Congressional Diagnosis

Contra Yuval Levin's recent argument in The Atlantic, filibuster reform and the “coalition-building” that Levin desires can go hand in hand.

Thomas Harvey, Thomas Koenig
The Fight for a More Perfect Union

The Fight for a More Perfect Union

A new biography of Charles Sumner highlights the loneliness, and vindication, of tirelessly fighting for one's principles.

Thomas Koenig
Tyranny of the Minority

Tyranny of the Minority

A new book lays out the markers of democratic backsliding–and takes aim at the U.S. Constitution.

Thomas Koenig
Are Local Politics Extinct?

Are Local Politics Extinct?

Well-funded interest groups are flooding state-level elections with money—and turning local elections into national partisan battles, according to a new book by Jacob Grumbach.

Thomas Koenig
The Powers of the Modern Administrative Government

The Powers of the Modern Administrative Government

How much power should be granted to those doing the governing?

Thomas Koenig
Democracy Can't Be Delegated

Democracy Can't Be Delegated

The constitutional principle of nondelegation reveals why the Supreme Court is not meant to decide major questions of American politics.

Thomas Koenig
The Constitutional Failsafe against Judicial Overreach

The Constitutional Failsafe against Judicial Overreach

The Fourteenth Amendment was drafted as a check on the judiciary’s own power, argue authors Randy Barnett and Evan Bernick.

Thomas Koenig
Slavery, Civil War, and the Constitution

Slavery, Civil War, and the Constitution

Harvard Law Professor Noah Feldman asks in a recent book whether Lincoln broke the Constitution en route to saving the Union.

Thomas Koenig