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Michelle High

Michelle High

Michelle High is an editorial consultant with American Purpose. She served as a senior editor of the publication from mid-2022 to mid-2024 and previously as its managing editor. In 2005 she became founding executive editor of The American Interest. She served in the George W. Bush Administration’s Department of Speechwriting, prior to which she was managing editor of The National Interest under Irving Kristol and Owen Harries.

Michelle earned her M.A. in international affairs (strategic studies) from the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies and her B.A. in history from the University of Pennsylvania. Her publications have appeared in The American Interest, the Washington Times, the Australian Financial Review, and the edited volume Countering Insurgency and Promoting Democracy (2007).

Articles and Events

Life After the Ghetto

Life After the Ghetto

For International Holocaust Remembrance Day, a survivor's grandchild speaks to American Purpose about being a living link to history.

Michelle High, Aaron Ginns