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Henry Sokolski

Henry Sokolski

Henry Sokolski is executive director of the Nonproliferation Policy Education Center and author of Underestimated: Our Not So Peaceful Nuclear Future (2019). He served as deputy for nonproliferation policy in the office of the U.S. Secretary of Defense during the George H.W. Bush Administration.

Articles and Events

Nuclear Math

Nuclear Math

Putin and Xi are both building more nukes. What should this mean for the United States and its allies?

Henry Sokolski
Tactical Nukes: A Primer

Tactical Nukes: A Primer

Catch up to speed on the role of tactical nuclear weapons in Putin’s war strategy.

Henry Sokolski, Iulia-Sabina Joja
Keeping Secrets

Keeping Secrets

America’s outdated system for classifying the nation’s secrets threatens to hinder our preparedness for the next generation of warfare.

Henry Sokolski
Can Self-Government Survive the Next Convulsion?

Can Self-Government Survive the Next Convulsion?

We used to have all kinds of plans for surviving disaster. Have we just given up?

Henry Sokolski

July 12, 2021: Henry Sokolski on "Can Self-Government Survive the Next Convulsion?"

Join us on July 12, 2021 to hear Henry Sokolski discuss his article in American Purpose on Can Self-Government Survive the Next Convulsion? Henry Sokolski is a contributing editor to American Purpose. He is executive director of the Nonproliferation Policy Education Center and a senior fellow for Nuclear Security Studies

Henry Sokolski

Mar. 17, 2021: Henry Sokolski discusses "Dr. Strangelove’s New Passion: Precision-guided Mayhem."

Join us on March 17, 2021 to hear Henry Sokolski discuss "Dr. Strangelove’s New Passion: Precision-guided Mayhem." Henry Sokolski is an American Purpose contributing editor. He is executive director of the Nonproliferation Policy Education Center and served as deputy for nonproliferation policy in the office of the

Henry Sokolski
Dr. Strangelove’s New Passion: Precision-Guided Mayhem

Dr. Strangelove’s New Passion: Precision-Guided Mayhem

Precision munitions aren’t nuclear weapons, but that may not matter much.

Henry Sokolski
What Missile-driven Competition with China Will Look Like

What Missile-driven Competition with China Will Look Like

An era of mutually discriminate wars and more competitive diplomacy beckons. Here’s how it will unfold and how to start dealing with it.

Henry Sokolski