Gary J. Schmitt, a contributing editor of American Purpose, is resident scholar in strategic studies and American institutions at the American Enterprise Institute. He is editor of the recent publication, A Hard Look at Hard Power: Assessing the Defense Capabilities of Key U.S. Allies and Security Partners (2020).
The Supremes Take on Trump
Can the Supreme Court fill the legal gap on presidential immunity without running afoul of the Constitution?
Could Trump Pardon Himself?
Why the U.S. Constitution doesn’t give the former president a “GET OUT OF JAIL FREE” card.
Mission Accomplished?
The five decisions that defined the Iraq War and the lessons we should learn from them, twenty years later.
Happy Birthday, Abe
On Abraham Lincoln’s birthday, a new book explores the principles of equality and liberty and how they influenced the statesman’s political thought and action.
A Wild Pitch
Baseball is no longer our national pastime. There’s a way to bring it back.
Speakers Old and New
Is Kevin McCarthy Newt's Legacy?
Could You Stand Upright in the Winds That Would Blow?
Thomas More’s question about the centrality of the law is as portentous today as it was in the early 16th century.
December 3, 2021: "Righting a Wrong: Taiwan, the United Nations, and the United States." A conversation with Gary Schmitt and Michael Mazza
Join us on December 3, 2021 to hear Gary Schmitt and Michael Mazza discuss their recent white paper, "Righting a Wrong: Taiwan, the United Nations, and United States Policy [] ." Gary J. Schmitt is a contributing editor to American Purpose, and is