Continuing Liberty conference, September 20-22, 2021: "A House Divided? Polarization Post-Trump" with Daniel Cox, William A. Galston, William Kristol, Nicole Penn, Luke Nathan Phillips, and John Wood, Jr. In association with Braver Angels
Part of the Continuing Liberty conference.
2:00 p.m.—3:15 p.m. ET
A House Divided? Polarization Post-Trump
In association with Braver Angels
DANIEL COX, Survey Center on American Life and American Enterprise Institute
William A. Galston, Brookings Institution and American Purpose
William Kristol, The Bulwark
Introduction: Nicole Penn, American Enterprise Institute and American Purpose, and Luke Nathan Phillips, Braver Angels
Moderator: John Wood, Jr., Braver Angels
Watch VideoDaniel Cox is a senior fellow in polling and public opinion at the American Enterprise Institute and the director of the Survey Center on American Life. He specializes in survey research, politics, youth culture and identity, and religion. Previously, he was the research director at the Public Religion Research Institute, which he co-founded and where he led the organization’s qualitative and quantitative research program.
William A. Galston, an editorial board member of American Purpose, holds the Ezra K. Zilkha Chair in the Brookings Institution’s governance studies program, where he serves as a senior fellow. A participant in six presidential campaigns, he served as deputy assistant to the president for domestic policy (1993–95). Galston is author of ten books and writes a weekly column for the Wall Street Journal.
William Kristol is editor-at-large of The Bulwark and founder and director of Defending Democracy Together. He was a founder of The Weekly Standard, and previously led the Project for the Republican Future, which helped shape the strategy that produced the 1994 Republican congressional victory. He served as chief of staff to Education Secretary William Bennett (1985–93) and as chief of staff to Vice President Dan Quayle (1989–93).
Nicole Penn, a member of the editorial board of American Purpose, is program manager for social, cultural, and constitutional studies at the American Enterprise Institute. Previously, she supported Lynne Cheney’s research on the Virginia dynasty during the American Revolution and early Republic, and served as an editorial apprentice at the Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture.
Luke Nathan Phillips is Publius Fellow for Public Discourse at Braver Angels, an American citizens’ movement bringing liberals, conservatives, and others together at the grassroots level to build civic trust. He is a political writer, policy researcher, and editor whose writings most often bear on American intellectual, political, and institutional history.
John Wood, Jr., is a national ambassador for Braver Angels, an American citizens’ movement bringing liberals, conservatives, and others together at the grassroots level to build civic trust. He is a former nominee for Congress and former vice-chairman of the Republican Party of Los Angeles County. He is a contributing writer for Areo Magazine and Quillette on subjects including racial and political reconciliation.
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