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Change and Opportunity at American Purpose

Change and Opportunity at American Purpose

American Purpose

There is change, and opportunity, with American Purpose in the months ahead. Editor-in-Chief Jeffrey Gedmin has been tapped to serve as interim president/CEO of the Middle East Broadcasting Network, sister network to RFE-RL, and he is hard at work supporting press freedom across 22 countries in the Middle East and North Africa. Carolyn Stewart is heading to the National Endowment of Democracy to serve as their press secretary, and Michelle High is moving on to new and exciting opportunities. 

 American Purpose continues its mission to defend and promote liberal democracy — including with essays, articles, and blog posts from American Purpose cofounder Francis Fukuyama. Stay tuned, as there is more to come.

In the meantime, AP colleague Rebecca Burgess will be handling editorial duties, and can be reached at, and Laura Silverman will be handling operational queries, at

Image: The Statue of Liberty. Image has been cropped and color adjusted. (Unsplash: Barth Bailey)